When getting top dollar out of your house is important to you, the first call to make is to Nick Bellmore. Don't settle for single-level marketing – Choose the fully personalized services of Nick Bellmore Real Estate. Introducing Nick Bellmore's Expect More Marketing System.
Level 1: Industry Standard Services Every professional Realtor should offer these customary real estate services. We handle the so-called standard services -- open houses, printed materials, market analysis and more -- with uncommon expertise to generate better results for you. Only a company with Nick Bellmore's reputation and resources can deliver expected services with such impressive results.
Level 2: Nick Bellmore's Exclusive Services Going beyond basic services, Nick will create your custom plan, taking your strategy to a higher level by drawing on the wide array of resources and vast worldwide audience of home buyers. Thousands of buyer inquiries are directed to our sales offices via the Internet and prospecting department. No other company makes it easier to give your home maximum online exposure to over 12 million potential home buyers every day on 500+ high-traffic websites.We also showcase your property to millions of weekly readers by aggressively advertising in the region’s most widely read newspapers and magazines.
Level 3: Sales Associate Customized Services Your home is unique, and so are your needs. A cookie cutter approach just can’t get you the best results. Instead, Nick will design a unique plan to market your home -- one that combines a personal wealth of experience, information, ideas, connections and creativity with the powerful resources. Nick Bellmore's Expect More Marketing System Expect more ... and get it.
The Proactive Approach to Selling Your Home
The world of marketing has changed dramatically over the past 10 years or so. The advent of the internet, social media and mobile technology has allowed marketers to take a much more targeted approach to reaching their prospective clientele. While traditional media outlets continue to survive and in some cases thrive, marketing strategies for most industries have adjusted to more efficient methods with great success. Real estate is an industry that is primed to benefit from making such an adjustment.
What is your typical marketing plan for new listings? Many order the property sign. Start designing print advertisements for local newspapers, magazines and use the multiple listing service. Obviously these are logical and necessary steps to be utilized in marketing your new listing. However, the nature of these marketing methods is that they are reactive outlets designed to take more of a shotgun approach for exposing your listing to potential buyers or tenants. The pertinent information is showcased through these outlets in the hopes that a qualified prospect will find it and be compelled to call you and learn more. This typically leaves the real estate agent sitting at their desk in anxious anticipation of getting that call and springing to action.
Now let’s contrast these reactive marketing methods with a strategy for proactively reaching out to qualified buyers and tenants. Proactive marketing is more of a laser approach to reaching prospects for your new listing. Marketing proactively begins with prospects that are literally at your fingertips. Specifically, your own data base. Assuming you have structured your business to specialize in a property type and geographic area, the first place to expose your new listing is to the most probable prospects within your own data base and the neighborhood of the listing. Who owns a similar property? Which prospects have defined a criteria that generally matches the aspects of your new listing? The most effective way to present your new listing to these prospects is to simply pick up the telephone and call them. Even if these prospects aren't interested in your new listing, calling them gives you a quality opportunity to ask them who they know that wants to move to the area.
Next, discuss your new listing face to face with other agents in and outside of your office. Take the opportunity to personally explain the merits of your new listing to other agents that sell a lot of homes to buyers so that they can properly articulate that to their clients. This allows you to rise above the noise that we all encounter through blast emails, postcards, etc. from other agents who are strictly relying on a reactive marketing approach to get the phone to ring.
Another form of proactive marketing is commonly known as “rooftop” marketing. Many times the most likely buyer for your new listing is one of the existing owners in the immediate area surrounding the property.
What is happening in The Market
During the last Year, Kent and Ottawa County saw double-digit hikes in median sales price.
Still, the West Michigan housing market continues to face challenges, including a shrinking number of properties for sale. The inventory of 7,537 homes or condos in January was the second lowest since 2006. The lowest was in December, a month when sellers traditionally take homes off the market and then gradually list them again as spring approaches.
While the tighter supply of available homes has pushed up prices and sparked bidding wars over homes in certain desirable West Michigan communities.